Arising out of the meeting, I have spoken with a representative of Virgin Media about residents' concerns about graffiti on the cable TV boxes in the Logie area.
On Thursday, I met with the Managing Director of Travel Dundee to discuss public transport issues in the City and had a guided tour of their Dock Street operations (see above right) - very worthwhile and interesting. I also had two further visits on Wednesday and Thursday to meet Planning & Transportation staff in my capacity of Planning & Transport Convener. I find such visits extremely useful as it gives me a clear understanding of roles, issues and current projects across a very diverse department.
Many thanks to Suz Blog (blog of a "floating Lib Dem supporter from St Georges Ward, Islington North - a tough blonde 'cookie' having her say") for the link to my blog earlier this week (click on headline above to view this) I like Suz's use of Snap Shots on her blog so have added this to this one!
Like everyone I meet, thoroughly delighted at Glasgow's success in securing the 2014 Commonwealth Games - a great result.
Lastly, the BBC has finally got round to uploading to the BBC website their decision on my complaint about their 'Scotland Live' programme from Dundee on eve of poll back in May - see http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/news/2007/11/07/50531.shtml - although the detail of this contains factual inaccuracies at least the BBC accepts ... "the item was faulty in the ways described by Cllr Macpherson, leading to serious imbalance" - for the background see