Along with valued help from colleagues, I am distributing the first flyer to local shops later this week (see right).
It's amazing to think that its already the seventh year of the West End Christmas Week, and we have exciting new initiatives this year to keep the week fresh and exciting.
Do let us know if you wish to help!
A well-attended Community Council meeting last night, which included a presentation by a member of the Friends of the Botanic Gardens. An excellent leader article in the Courier this morning highlighting the fact that, whilst the Scottish Government was "happy to toss £10 million to the botanic gardens in Edinburgh", the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment (Richard Lochhead MSP) "is uninterested in helping Dundee." Let's hope we see a change of heart on this and some real support from the Scottish Government.
A couple of other important local events coming up :
- The Western Cemetery Association has its public launch meeting next Tuesday 18th September at 12 noon at Harris Academy (click on headline above to view more) - you can join the Association free of charge by going to http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/dundeewca/
- The next public meeting of Friends of Magdalen Green will take place on Wednesday 19th September at 7pm at Dundee West Church - you can read more at : http://magdalengreen.blogspot.com/2007/08/next-meeting-of-friends-of-magdalen.html for further details. Unfortunately I'll miss the meeting as I'll be in Northern Ireland, but I do hope it goes well.