Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Hawkhill Flooding and planning matters

Following concerns about flooding on Hawkhill, I have had the following feedback:
"After further investigation we have discovered that these gullies exit into an interceptor on the Hawkhill itself. We will require to contract a specialist clearing company to clean out this chamber as the equipment Tayside Contracts have is not large enough to cope. We will try to keep the area clear until such time we can have the chamber cleared."
At last night's Development Quality Committee, I moved an additional refusal reason in relation to the application in respect of Listed Building Consent 12/18 Whitehall Street, where unauthorised works have badly damaged the stairwells:
Additional Reason for Refusal for 12 & 18 Whitehall Crescent - 06/01076/LBC:

1) The introduction of the new door at 1st. floor level of 12 Whitehall Crescent adversely impacts on the appearance and character of a Category B listed building by virtue of detracting from the symmetry of the original openings located within the communal stairwell. The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to Section 14 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 and Policy 60 of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005. There are no material considerations that would justify the approval of the new doorway contrary to the terms of Policy 60.
I also moved refusal of an application for a housing development at High Mill, where there were various concerns including loss of privacy, parking, etc. Here's this motion:
Reasons for Refusal for 06/00991/COU - High Mill, High Mill Court:

1) The development is contrary to Policy 1 and Policy 4 of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 as the proposals fail to provide the required amount of associated off street car parking and the environmental quality of the adjacent occupiers to the south will be prejudiced by virtue of overlooking, a reduction in privacy and noise created by new south facing windows and extraction flues for the proposed units. There are no material considerations that would justify the approval of the application contrary to the terms of these policies.

2) The proposal is contrary to Policy 60 of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 and the requirement under Section 59 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 due to the adverse impact on the architectural and historic character of the Category A listed building through the introduction of additional openings on the main elevations of the property. There are no material considerations that would justify the approval of the application contrary to the terms of this policy.
I am pleased to say that both of these were unanimously approved by Committee.