Today started with chairing the City Council’s Audit & Risk Management Sub-Committee, followed by a meeting with the Council Leader. After dictating a lot of letters, I had my weekly surgery at Blackness Primary School.
At tonight’s Development Quality Committee, I moved refusal of a planning application at Richmond Terrace that had been subject to objections from local residents and the West End Community Council. With the support of Bailie Neil Powrie (who seconded me) we won 13-11.
At tonight’s Development Quality Committee, I moved refusal of a planning application at Richmond Terrace that had been subject to objections from local residents and the West End Community Council. With the support of Bailie Neil Powrie (who seconded me) we won 13-11.
You can read the report by clicking on the headline above.
Other matters today:
* Fast feedback from the City Council about the flooding issues at Pinegrove and West Port/Temple Lane – as follows – “It looks like we will have to carry out a dig up of the polychanel at Pinegrove - I will raise an order today and ask Tayside Contracts to give it priority. There is already an order in the pipeline for Temple Lane - I will chase it up.” I have also raised the issue of flooding on part of Riverside Drive.
* A missing footway grid on Perth Road at Ryehill Lane has been temporarily repaired pending replacement.
* The leaves I reported in Glamis Drive have been swept up.
* I have raised – with the Planning & Transportation Department – the footway condition in part of Hyndford Street.
And, lastly, following the photograph in the Evening Telegraph last week at the Roseangle Recycling Launch, here’s a couple of more informal ones (with thanks to Ann!) – I think you can tell it was a wee bit cold!
Other matters today:
* Fast feedback from the City Council about the flooding issues at Pinegrove and West Port/Temple Lane – as follows – “It looks like we will have to carry out a dig up of the polychanel at Pinegrove - I will raise an order today and ask Tayside Contracts to give it priority. There is already an order in the pipeline for Temple Lane - I will chase it up.” I have also raised the issue of flooding on part of Riverside Drive.
* A missing footway grid on Perth Road at Ryehill Lane has been temporarily repaired pending replacement.
* The leaves I reported in Glamis Drive have been swept up.
* I have raised – with the Planning & Transportation Department – the footway condition in part of Hyndford Street.
And, lastly, following the photograph in the Evening Telegraph last week at the Roseangle Recycling Launch, here’s a couple of more informal ones (with thanks to Ann!) – I think you can tell it was a wee bit cold!