The Community Council meeting on Tuesday night included an excellent presentation by Network Rail on their Tay Rail Bridge improvement works. We also did the prize draws from the Christmas Week which you will be able to read (in a day or so) at
It was very concerning to learn about Monday's road traffic accident at Sinderins involving a local pedestrian who very unfortunately sustained a broken leg. I have asked the City Council to advise me of the details of the accident after these are received from Tayside Police, in order that we can ensure that the lights operation is working to proper effect.

Wednesday - between running a Conference in Falkirk (see right!) - have complained about the state of the muddy path at the south side of Magdalen Green (near the footbridge over the railway) - also advised that the Lord Provost's Clock in the High Street requires repair that will mean the mechanism being sent back to the manufacturers - long story short, it will be early new year before it is back working properly.
I have had complaints that about eight of the lights along the cycle path at Seabraes are out; have reported this to Scottish Enterprise Tayside.
Thursday - organised my employer's annual Christmas Reception in Edinburgh - see below!
Lastly loads of us having been helping my sister in law deliver her Christmas newsletter to residents in Strathmartine yesterday & today - seriously sore feet! Anyway - away to watch X-Factor - Vote Leona!