Anyway, Christmas was great - I have had loads of fun downloading lots of my CDs onto an MP3 player and my younger son and I have just spent a fruitless afternoon trying to set up a wireless internet connection in the house. Getting there now though!
Here's a rather less festive picture from the back area of a West End tenement. I raised the condition of this with the City Council just prior to Christmas and am pleased to advise that the Environmental Warden has advised me that the major landlord here has promised action.
Other updates :
- Rob, our ace pyrotechnician from the West End Christmas Week, advises that you can now see video clips of the fireworks at http://www.myspace.com/westendpyro
Click on VIDEO under the logo and you can access all clips from there. - BT has now advised me that they will attempt to fit a door to the phone box in Milnbank Road during January although they do warn that given the angle of the phone box, it may prove difficult to fit one.
- The Tait's Lane light and small area of road resurfacing I referred to earlier was done just before Christmas.
- My LibDem colleague from Perth & Kinross Council Cllr Peter Barrett undertook a sponsored fast on Christmas Eve to raise funds for Christian Aid, so helped sponsor Peter. As Peter reports - "The fast was Ok - the last three hours were a bit hard and the worst moment was when I took the Christmas ham out the oven and lifted it onto the plate and a we bit got snagged on the roasting dish. I never knew I had such willpower."
And lastly, Hogmanay - thanks to Sheena Wellington for the following information!
Bright young bands top Hogmanay bill!
Two of the best young bands on the traditional scene are providing Hogmanay music in Dundee!
The Cameron Kellow Group will play for the dancing at the Family Ceilidh in Meadowside St Paul's Church Hall on Sunday evening, 7.30 to 10.30pm. Accordionist and drummer Cameron is a student of the brilliant Allan Small who regards him as one of the brightest prospects in Scottish Country Dance music. Cameron's outstanding talent was recognised when he was invited to join Highland Council's Ceilidh Trail last summer, a rare honour for a non Highland musician.
A spicy young group with a funky edge, Skelpaig's reputation for musical skills, excitement and innovation has garnered them invitations to play at venues from Skye to Brittany. Between them Kat Liley, David Adam and David Sutherland play fiddle, viola, border pipes, small pipes, highland pipes, whistles and guitar - but not all at the same time! Skelpaig will do a couple of sets at the Family Ceilidh before piper David Adam leads the Lantern Parade (weather permitting!) down to the North Carr Lightship where Skelpaig will be main act at the Maritime Volunteer Service's Foghorn Fiesta.
Singer Sheena Wellington, a City Centre & Harbour Community Council member, will compere the Family Ceilidh and Ceilidh tickets, price £6.50 (£4 concessions) inclusive of supper, are available from the Cornerstone Cafe, Nethergate, Dundee. Phone bookings can be made between10am-noon and 2pm - 4pm on 01382 202121.
The Church Service, 10.30pm at Meadowside St Paul's, the Lantern Parade, starting 11pm from the Church and the Foghorn Fiesta. 11.30pm - 12.15am are free. Wrap up warmly!!