Some time ago (long before this blog started!) a number of West End residents asked me about why there is no bus service to the Gallacher Retail Park - for someone on foot its a fair trek from the City Centre. At that time, City Council officers opened discussions with the retail park owners about this. I've now asked for an update. With the success of this retail park and new stores opening (most recently Borders bookstore) it would be good to see buses running there.

Lastly, you'll recall from earlier blogs that I have raised with BT several complaints recently about the state of some local phone boxes - Logie Aveue, Magdalen Place - and in Milnbank Road where the box has its door missing - see right.
The method of reporting to BT (a form on their website) is less than satisfactory and all you get back is an automated response.
Having received complaints that BT has done nothing to fix the door at Milnbank Road, I e-mailed them and he's the latest exchange - makes your heart sink rather :
Dear Sirs
Can you update me on position re this?
Also, the phone box in Milnbank Road Dundee I reported to you weeks ago is STILL missing its door - can you advise ASAP.
Best regards
Subject: Re: URGENT : From Cllr Macpherson, Dundee City Council
Dear Mr Macpherson,
Thank you for your e-mail dated the 6th of December, 2006 regarding your recent contact with BT.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to you and for any inconvenience this may have caused.
In response to your e-mail, I would request you to kindly elaborate your query and if it pertains to your BT account, please forward your account number as well. This information is needed for security reasons.
In the meantime, I would like to thank you for you patience and cooperation.
If you should have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us again via e-mail.
Thank you for contacting BT.
Yours sincerely,
BT Customer Services
Dear Mr Macpherson,
Thank you for your e-mail dated the 6th of December, 2006 regarding your recent contact with BT.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to you and for any inconvenience this may have caused.
In response to your e-mail, I would request you to kindly elaborate your query and if it pertains to your BT account, please forward your account number as well. This information is needed for security reasons.
In the meantime, I would like to thank you for you patience and cooperation.
If you should have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us again via e-mail.
Thank you for contacting BT.
Yours sincerely,
BT Customer Services
Dear Sirs,
Your e-mail appears to have been sent without checking the nature of my complaint. These were in my capacity as a City Councillor and pertain to vandalism/condition of several local phone boxes. They have nothing whatsoever to do with my personal phone account.
I am particularly concerned that months after raising complaints about a door missing off the phone box in Milnbank Road, Dundee, it remains unrepaired.
I'd be most grateful if you would advise of the position ASAP - many thanks.
Best regards
Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Liberal Democrat Group Leader
Convener of the Finance Committee
Dundee City Council
Your e-mail appears to have been sent without checking the nature of my complaint. These were in my capacity as a City Councillor and pertain to vandalism/condition of several local phone boxes. They have nothing whatsoever to do with my personal phone account.
I am particularly concerned that months after raising complaints about a door missing off the phone box in Milnbank Road, Dundee, it remains unrepaired.
I'd be most grateful if you would advise of the position ASAP - many thanks.
Best regards
Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Liberal Democrat Group Leader
Convener of the Finance Committee
Dundee City Council