One of the issues covered in this edition is the effect of overgrown trees blocking light into residents' homes - see above - an example in the Pentland area where I recently had a site visit with a concerned resident and the Housing Officer.
The issue will be less of a problem over the winter months (with leaves off trees) but I met the Director of Housing last Monday (on a number of issues) and made the point that there must be action to trim affected trees next Spring.
Tired legs after our West End deliveries today, but a curry and the X Factor (fav TV prog after Coronation Street and Malcolm in the Middle...) makes all seem right with the world! Janet likes the MacDonald Brothers (err, sorry, not the greatest fan!) - Leona is totally ace, absolutely brilliant, a new Mariah Carey. The winner! Well, let's hope so. We'll find out if she's survived this week - at 8.55!