On return, not pleased to learn from two constituents that the work by the electricity supplier necessary to allow Tayside Contracts to finish off the last part of the Tait's Lane resurfacing (and promised for last week) hasn't happened - have e-mailed the City Council asking that the supplier concerned is contacted on Monday to get this sorted.
Was out delivering the West End Christmas Week Flyer (more details available by following the headline above) this morning & concerned to learn from local resident about difficulties an ambulance had getting down Thomson Street yesterday. Reinforces the necessity to improve the parking situation - but good the City Council is seeking a solution.
And lastly tonight (I have 150 e-mails to get through after being away two days - oh, and the X Factor is on ...) - received this from the City Centre Manager on the impending works to replace the gas main in Nethergate and Union Street :
"I attended a meeting yesterday with Planning & Transportation and Scotland Gas Networks (SGN) regarding the main replacement scheme in Nethergate and Union Street.
Phase 1 Nethergate: Excavations in the taxi rank (end of previous Marketgait scheme), two excavations in the Nethergate (at top of Union Street) and an excavation in Union Street (at top,east side) - timeline 08 January '07 - 04 February '07 (4 weeks)
Phase 2 Union Street: excavations the whole length down the east side - timeline 05 February '07 - 30 March '07 (8 weeks)
Temporary Traffic Management
i) Diversion Routes
Phase 1 Nethergate: Full closure between Union Street and Whitehall Street
East-bound closure between West Marketgait and Union Street
South-bound closure of whole length of Union Street Diversion route - West Marketgait/South Marketgait/Yeamans Shore/Whitehall Crescent/Whitehall Street.
Dates 08/01/2008 - 04/02/2007
Phase 2 Union Street: Full closure whole length Diversion Route Whitehall Crescent/Whitehall Street/High Street Dates 05/02/2007 - 30/03/2007
ii) Advance Signing
Information boards will be set out two weeks prior to the start of Phase 1 (approx. 27 December 2006)
Access to Union Street/Signing
SGN/Turriff will liaise with affected traders regards deliveries and access prior to work starting and agree suitable arrangements and to avoid any illegal through traffic for Phase 2.
Bus-Stop Changes
Phase 1 Nethergate: 2no. Bus-stop in High Street will relocate to Whitehall Crescent Phase 2 Union Street: All bus stops will be taken out and the public directed to bus stops in Nethergate.
These are the preliminary details, however note that SGN will be doing letter drops and visits to businesses from 4th December."