Ok, the last couple of days have been seriously busy, so I'll start with the chronology ..
4 pm : West End Christmas Week meeting - very good progress - on launch day (2nd December - art mural and street football for primary children from St Joseph's, Park Place & Blacknes
s Primaries); on 6th December, Children's Concert in Dundee West Church followed by torchlit procession to Seabraes, Christmas Lights Switch-On and a rather larger fireworks display than last year - and many thanks to Robin Carstairs and West End business community for making this possible; and on 7th December a Bands Night at Dundee University Students Association for Harris Academy pupils. Add in a Snowflake Spotting Competition for children, a Shoppers' Prize Draw, Christmas Card Competition, Blackness Library events and lots more - a superb to Christmas in the superb West End!

5.30pm : Along with a member of West End Community Council, I had a pre-meeting with the Chief Executive and two other staff of Margaret Blackwood Housing Association, followed by a meeting with residents at Blackwood Court, Glamis Road, about concerns about changes to services planned for April of next year. This could result in the loss of the 9am-5pm warden service, a matter of real and genuine concern to the residents. I attended in the absence on leave of Bailie Neil Powrie (who represents the people of Blackwood Court) and I'll be updating Neil about the meeting on his return. Meantime, I have contacted the Director of Social Work about a number of aspects.
7pm : West End Community Council. An excellent, lively meeting. I gave an update on the Magdalen Green meeting and there was an update on the Dundee Civic Forum members' visit to Sweden, an update of our (very recent!) Christmas Week meeting, planning matters and a number of other local issues.
Seemed like hundreds (exaggeration!) of constituent phone calls and e-mails today but was most enjoyable bit was attending presentation of £50 Overgate Voucher to Alan Pitcairn, the City Centre resident who won the Recycling Draw held recently. So here's the pic! From left : Jill Darling (City Centre & Harbour Community Council), me, Representative of Overgate Centre who kindly sponsored the draw, Alan the winner!, and Cllr Julie Sturrock, Convener of Environmental Services and Sustainability.
Off to watch Corrie, more later tonight!