Many residents and local businesses have been asking when the road disruption in Sinderins area is likely to end (ie when Scottish Gas Networks complete the gas main works) - got a response from the City Council this afternoon, which is good news in that things should be back to normal early next week - to quote:-
"SGN are coming to the end of this project. The excavations remaining open will be backfilled and reinstated over the next few days and by Monday night the site should be clear.
"The work has gone on longer than expected because the initial plan was to insert the main, with only isolated excavations needed. Unfortunately on starting the job this option proved impossible and was replaced with an open-cut method. This method is more time-consuming. Another factor was Scottish Water plant at Pinegrove caused a deviation in route and more careful digging.
"The closure of the slip road seems to be causing controversy but is closed on safety grounds. Stages of the job required single phase movement between Blackness Avenue and Perth Road meaning no traffic could emerge from that slip road and possibly meet west bound traffic head on.
"The closures on Shepherds Loan and Strawberrybank went back on this week to facilitate service transfers and mains tie-ins."