This follows on from our initial meeting on 24th October - the aim is to progress ideas to allow the community to help preserve the Western Cemetery and hopefully set up a "Friends of Western Cemetery" group to undertake some sympathetic works within the cemetery area.
As you can see from the photo I took this morning, the cemetery is in a beautiful setting but as the second photo shows, the area to the rear of the cemetery is very overgrown. City Council staff agreed that there are definitely ways in which the community can work to help preserve the cemetery. We are meeting again towards the end of November.
The cemetery has a fascinating history - how many cemeteries in Scotland were originally owned by an American cattle company?
Later this morning, the City Council leader and I had another very useful meeting with the Hindu Cultural and Community Centre representatives. The Cultural and Community Centre in Taylor's Lane is a valuable asset for the West End and for our City as a whole and the City Council is keen to assist its development.
I'm really grateful to every constituent who has called or e-mailed me today about the Tay Rope Works planning decision last night (see previous blog entry). Thus far 100% positive reaction to the refusal decision.
And lastly, got a call from the Evening Telegraph about my website... You used to type "Fraser Macpherson" into Google and it returned "Cllr Fraser Macpherson, Liberal Democrat councillor for Tay Bridges Ward" - err, now it returns ...
As tonight's Tele says, "Like all shaggy dog stories, there appears to be no solution to the mystery."
That said, clearly a case of internet hacking. Now confirmed with my ISP that its not at their end - looks like it is at the domain name host, so e-mailed them asking them to check. But let's look on the positive side - largest number of web hits to www.frasermacpherson.org.uk today than in any day in the past six months ... the power of publicity I suppose!