Last night saw the monthly meeting & AGM of the West End Community Council (http://www.wecc.org.uk/) - the AGM bit ably chaired by Neil (I say ably chaired as he was so lovely about me! Ha Ha!). Items of note - I was pleased to report (following on from my "squint signs" blog below) that the Council is to replace the lights at Sinderins with new kit, which will not only look a whole lot better but will be a more flexible system to hopefully improve traffic flow. There were useful updates from Leisure & Communities staff on Scotland in Bloom, Core Paths and the new Cycle Routes, and other matters discussed included the proposed "West End Spring Clean" day - 24th June - I'm speaking with Waste Management to get their assistance - vandalism, dumped shopping trolleys (speaking with Tescos re this), and was able to give an update from Network Rail about removing these dreadful blue boards on Riverside Approach.