Visited two of the local LibDem's members with the longest continuous membership of the party. Having had an exchange of e-mails with a BBC producer about a radio show he's doing on Churchill's time as Liberal MP for Dundee (1908 to 1922) he'd asked if any of our longer serving members could be of help. Pretty obvious we have no members that actually lived through that period, but some born in the interwar period have memories of the comments of friends and family. Anyway, nice to chat to the two members again & they are happy to help the BBC man. BBC going to prove a .wav file of the show for our website in due course (we have a short list of Dundee Liberal History within the links at http://www.dundee.prai.co.uk/links/).
Useful meeting with Leisure & Communities regarding a local matter and also interviewed by Wave 102 about internet banking scams (also carried by Radio Tay - see http://www.dundee.prai.co.uk/news/125.html). Started a bit of a ring round to gauge views on the date for this year's West End Christmas Week. Yes, oh so dreadfully early on but keen to have some new events this year and that'll take a bit of planning. Our Christmas Lights Switch On has to be on a different date than other similar events across the City and so important we get a date in the Council's diary. Also the Blackness Primary School Christmas Fayre will be a week later this year & we normally do a children's event (last three years a balloon launch for the Primary Ones from the three local primaries) to coincide with the Fayre. So started ringing round last year's volunteers to get views on whether to run it last week November (as last year) or first week December. Final decision will be made at next month's West End Community Council meeting.
Off to the borders tomorrow (day job) then two days of party conference in Aviemore. Probably a sad admission to say I absolutely love party conference. So no blog entries for a couple of days........