Today, apart from getting through a load of constituent e-mails, I have finalised a FOCUS newsletter special edition for the Blackness/Hawkhill part of my ward, which covers the Tait's Lane resurfacing, speeding issue in Peddie Street, the Blackness Area Residents' Association AGM and noise/litter problems. It'll be delivered today & finished off tomorrow.
The Riverside Nature Park was raised at the West End Community Council on Tuesday and I got feedback from Waste Management which I have forwarded to some community councillors. There is a real wish on the part of the local community to see as much of the area opened to the public as soon as is possible.
Also today - attended the Open Day held by the Al-Maktoum Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Blackness Road. It was really well supported by local residents - everyone got a guided tour of the Institute which was very worthwhile.
No more on blog over rest of weekend as I have a lot of day job things to do ...